Monday, 6 April 2015

Mushroom with Headphones 30th Birthday Cake

Yay finally last cake order has been picked up. Now i get to have little break with my boys this school holidays :)
These cake and cupcakes were requested by a client, who lives in Malaysia and came to Melbourne for a vacation. She requested a cake, based on the tattoo of her partner. Apparently the name of this character is Moshi Baby, which i've never seen before. Vigneesh is celebrating his 28th and these special treats are the surprise gifts from his lovely lady. So sweet :)
Cake was Dark Choc Mud and cupcakes were vanilla with smbc.

"The cake and cupcakes were very very very nice. My partner was very surprised when he saw them. Thanks Novita. Everyone love the cake and cupcakes. Actually not very sweet but very delicious. Very love them :)" - Hoonming

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